In 1875 Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Marshall Howe purchased much of the land on Bristol Point to establish a dairy farm named “Ferrycliffe.” At that time the end of Ferry Road was the departure point for the ferry to Aquidneck Island, and the farm was set above the prominent cliffs along its shoreline to the east overlooking Mount Hope Bay. Dairy farming thrived here for the next 80 years over three generations.
A successful industrialist, physician and accomplished artist from Philadelphia, Dr. 豪在布里斯托尔避暑,以“绅士农场主”的身份经营着费里克利夫庄园.他和家人住在一所大房子里, “家园,” which he built across Ferry Road on a site now the residence of the Roger Williams University president. Ferrycliffe was a working dairy farm of prized Jersey cows – some imported from England – that won acclaim for their rich milk, 奶油和黄油. 这个农场还生产羊, pigs, chickens, 广阔的菜园和马铃薯, corn, 干草地和果园. Prized turkeys bred here included one that earned best-of-show in Madison Square Garden. 泽西的牛群中有一头获奖的公牛, Gilderoy, 在新英格兰作为冠军育种者而闻名. Ferrycliffe's brochure featured its top milk-yielding cows and directions by railroad, 现在是东湾自行车道, 把牛带到农场繁殖.
Dr. 豪为他的四个女儿和, 他于1916年去世, 他把费里克利夫留给了女儿伊迪丝和她的丈夫. 哈尔西DeWolf. They in turn left it to their only child Mary Howe DeWolf, who married Dr. 马歇尔·奈恩·富尔顿,1940年. By the early 1960s farming and milk production at Ferrycliffe had dwindled. Dr. and Mrs. Fulton resisted selling the farm for house lots and soon learned that Roger Williams Junior College, 位于普罗维登斯基督教青年会, 在找新地方吗. 他们联系了. 杰拉尔德·哈林顿, 当时的总统是谁, 1965年,学院购买了63英亩的土地. On August 21, 1967, construction began on the original seven buildings. 1992年剩余50英亩, 包括建筑物和谷仓, were sold by the eight Fulton children to Roger Williams University to accommodate the growing institution.
马歇尔富尔顿, MD(1899 - 1977)是一位不折不扣的“文艺复兴人”:一位学者, physician, 有天赋的音乐家, teacher, 市民领袖,八个孩子的骄傲父亲. Born in Keokuk, Iowa, and educated in its public schools, he came east to live with his uncle, Dr. Frank T. Fulton, and attend Brown University where he earned a Bachelor of Philosophy in 1920. He was also piano accompanist for the Brown Glee Club and played both piccolo and tuba in the marching band. As a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University's Merton College, he graduated with honors in physiology. He later earned his Doctor of Medicine from Johns Hopkins University and held positions at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston and at Harvard Medical School. 二战期间,他在美国服役.S. 西弗吉尼亚州白硫泉的陆军医疗队. 他就是德怀特·D将军. Eisenhower's personal physician upon the general's return from the European engagement. He returned to the private practice of Internal Medicine in Providence from 1946 to 1963, 最终成为罗德岛医院的医学主任. He served on volunteer boards and as administrator with numerous regional hospitals and national medical associations and was instrumental in the 1963 founding of the Brown University Medical School where he was promoted to Professor Emeritus.
他的学术成就也很多. 1920年,他在布朗大学(Brown University)发表告别演说, 受托人及名誉受托人会长, 荣誉学位获得者(理学学士).D.)和首席马歇尔在1970年的毕业典礼上. 他曾在Mary C .董事会任职. 普罗维登斯的惠勒学校. He also served as a Trustee of Roger Williams College from 1971 to 1977. 他在罗杰·威廉姆斯因坚持不懈而受到钦佩和尊敬, honesty, 远见与乐观精神. 他死后, RWC公司于6月6日投票, 1978, 以他的名字重新命名布里斯托尔校园.
Mrs. Mary Howe DeWolf Fulton Shepherd(1917 - 2006),博士. 豪的孙女, 说她的丈夫, “He loved Roger Williams and worked tirelessly to see it provide a quality education for its students.” Mrs. Fulton was also active at the College, serving as a member of its Corporation and Building Committee. 她把石凳固定在这里, commemorating the rededication of the campus in her husband's name and reading, “富尔顿校区——罗杰·威廉姆斯学院. Dedicated to Marshall Nairne Fulton who loved and worked for the vision.”
Today Dr. Howe早期的愿景是保持Ferrycliffe的生产力, engaging waterfront community has become the pride of Roger Williams University and the Town of Bristol. It has revitalized Bristol's historic and cultural celebrity and become its number one employer. Its scenic and academic appeal has attracted many thousands of students. 校董会, alumni, faculty, staff, students and entire Roger Williams University community express gratitude to Dr. 富尔顿和他的家人提供了这片土地, the legacy of Ferrycliffe Farm and its beauty on Narragansett Bay for all to enjoy.
博士肖像. Herbert Marshall Howe and his daughter Edith Howe DeWolf are permanently on display in the Roger Williams University Library.